Solemn introduction of Cathedral Cantor Adrian Büttemeier
On 8 January 2023, Adrian Büttemeier will be ceremoniously introduced as the new cathedral cantor by cathedral preacher Michael Kösling. The service at 10 a.m. will feature excerpts from Bach's Christmas Oratorio with the Berlin Cathedral Choir. Adrian Büttemeier has been working at Berlin Cathedral since July 2022.
"As a choral conductor, I am fascinated by the unique connection between language and sound. With the Berliner Domkantorei, I want to facilitate a musical and human overall sound that is equally characterised by individuality and community. To achieve musical flexibility at a high artistic level, that is my wish," says Cathedral Cantor Adrian Büttemeier, describing the focus of his work.
In addition to demanding a cappella music in church services and the new foundation of a chamber choir, there will also be open choir projects for interested people at Berlin Cathedral in the future. For example, two cantata services for sing-alongs are planned for Easter and Advent. In addition, the Berlin Cathedral Choir is always happy to welcome new singers!
"With Adrian Büttemeier, we know that the Berlin Cathedral Choir is in the best of hands. His inspiring musicality and friendly straightforwardness enrich the concert and liturgical life at Berlin Cathedral. We are happy that we were able to win Adrian Büttemeier over and have him on our team," explains managing cathedral preacher Michael Kösling.