Parish Groups and Parish Advisory Council

Berlin Cathedral is blessed to have numerous volunteers, who regularly meet and work together in different groupings. If you are interested in joining one of these Groups, feel free to contact our parish-office. Further information about each Group can be found on our website.


Parish Advisory Council

The Parish Advisory Council of Berlin Cathedral represents, so to speak, the interface between volunteers, parishioners, full-time employees and the Cathedral Council. There are thirty-two women and men working full-time and on a voluntary basis at the Cathedral who are currently members of the Parish Advisory Council.

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Berlin Cathedral Choir

Music at Berlin Cathedral can have an uplifting, reassuring and even inspiring effect on its listeners. It is the numerous works of choir music that are as good as tailor-made for Berlin Cathedral; its outstanding acoustics and near-professional amateur ensemble – the Domkantorei or “Berlin Cathedral Choir”. Since 1961 the choir has consisted of 160 members from a diverse range of professions, who sing in ensembles of varying sizes ...

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Visiting service

Parish members and friends of the Cathedral come from far and wide, to enjoy the experience of shared worship although they often do not know each other. If you would like to get to know people individually, feel free to get involved in our Visitors Group (‘Besuchsdienstkreis’). Members of the Group get in touch with parish members and friends of the Cathedral aged 75 and over when it is their birthday. They bringing with them a small gift and get to know one another in the process.

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Bible study afternoons – Team

On every fourth Tuesday in the month, we invite you to a Bible study afternoon held in Gemeinderaum I between 3 PM and 4:30 PM. Between 3 PM and 3:30 PM we first like to take some time to catch up and talk during coffee and cake. Thereafter we turn our attention to the biblical topic.

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Parish Afternoon Group

On every second Tuesday in the month, we invite you to a parish afternoon between 3 PM and 4:30 PM, which is held in Gemeinderaum I. From 3 PM onwards we take half an hour for coffee and cake, giving us a chance to catch up and chat. Thereafter an interesting topic is usually presented and discussed. During the afternoons, the focus is on sharing and talking with one another.

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Cathedral guide

Berlin Cathedral is a tourism magnet for people from all over the world. 85% of visitors originate from abroad, 10% from Berlin and 5% from other federal states. Bringing people closer to our church, its history and religious significance is part of the key tasks undertaken by our volunteer Cathedral guides.

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Worship Group

Berlin Cathedral is known far beyond the city limits for its festive church services. This would not be possible without volunteers. The men and women are entrusted with a variety of tasks: welcoming the congregants, serving as lectors, distributing communion or collecting the collection.

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Children’s services of worship

Do you enjoy organising something together? Do you enjoy helping others and being part of a team? Would you like to give up some of your free time? At Berlin Cathedral, there are numerous opportunities to volunteer in a wide variety of areas.

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Coffee Group

Those who attend a service at Berlin Cathedral or who are part of the Cathedral parish do not usually live in the same district, but rather come from all corners of the city. The Coffee Group is therefore a great opportunity to meet, catch up and chat with one another.

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Art Group

When entering the Cathedral, visitors are drawn into a world of art. Berlin Cathedral is a work of art in itself, given its historical and architectural significance. The chancel, the dome and the religious imagery impress onlookers with their splendour and sheer scale. For many years the Cathedral has played host to numerous, well-renowned exhibitions and spatial interventions for old and new art alike. New perspectives are forged, creating impetus to drive forward the age-old discussion regarding the relationship between religion and art, art and church.

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Taizé Team

Since 2000 Berlin Cathedral has played host to a Taizé service on every second Thursday in the month. Over 400 visitors sing and pray together on this evening, while also lighting a sea of candles. Taizé is a religious movement from France. Every year sees thousands of young individuals travel to the tiny village in Burgundy, France.

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Welcome Service

Our Welcome Service is geared towards international visitors and non-German-speaking Berlin citizens, to offer them the chance to celebrate services at the Cathedral. On all Sundays and religious holidays, we offer a translation service for our services held at 10 AM, in order that the liturgy and sermon can be heard in English simultaneously. Guests can listen to the translation using headphones while it is transmitted from the Cathedral’s system.

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