Our parish

About us

Berlin Cathedral is a lively place that embodies the Christian faith with its own parish community. It currently comprises around 1,800 women, men and children, with more joining every month. The cathedral parish is a so-called personal parish, i.e. any baptised Protestant Christian living in Berlin or the surrounding area can become a member of the cathedral parish. The cathedral is a church for Christians throughout the city.

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Cathedral Council

The governing body of Berlin Cathedral is called the Cathedral Church Council (DKK). It is made up of twelve honorary cathedral councillors and the cathedral deans.

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Cathedral Deans

Cathedral dean Stefan Scholpp and cathedral dean Christiane Münker lead the services on Sundays and public holidays, the Taizé services and the Choral Evensongs. Together with our guest preachers, we also celebrate daily devotions as well as baptisms, weddings and funerals for members of the congregation. Pastoral counselling is also part of their duties. In addition, the cathedral deans lead the various parish and working groups and represent the cathedral on church committees.

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Get involved

Do you enjoy getting something off the ground together? Do you enjoy helping others and volunteering as part of a team? Would you like to give up some of your free time? At Berlin Cathedral there are numerous opportunities to volunteer in very different areas.

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Parish history

The history of Berlin Cathedral’s parish is as varied as that of the building itself. Elector Joachim Friedrich transformed the spiritual foundation that had existed since 1465 into a parish church, the ‘Evangelical Supreme Parish and Collegiate Church in Berlin’ in the year 1608. But it was not until the conversion of Elector Johann Sigismund from Lutheranism ...

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Friends Group

The Berlin Cathedral parish has something special up its sleeve, a kind of parish membership ‘light’: the Berlin Cathedral Friends Group (Freundeskreis des Berliner Domes). If you do not, for example, live in Berlin or Brandenburg, but rather in another federal state or even abroad, then you can become a member of our Friends Group.

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