Cathedral Deans

At the Cathedral, cathedral dean Stefan Scholpp as managing cathedral dean and Christiane Münker as cathedral dean are responsible for the ecclesiastical area.

Cathedral dean Stefan Scholpp and cathedral dean Christiane Münker lead the services on Sundays and public holidays, Taizé services and the Choral Evensongs. Together with our guest preachers, we also celebrate daily devotions as well as baptisms, weddings and funerals for members of the congregation. Pastoral counselling is also part of their duties. In addition, the cathedral deans lead the various parish and working groups and represent the cathedral on church committees.

In addition to the cathedral preachers, the chair of the EKD Council, the head of the UEK office and the state bishop of the EKBO have the right to preach at Berlin Cathedral. The cathedral also welcomes a large number of prominent guest preachers. In addition to the leading clergy of the EKD, these include professors from the Faculty of Theology at Humboldt University in Berlin as well as preachers from Germany and abroad.

However, not only Protestant preachers, but also representatives of other denominations and Judaism are regular guests at Berlin Cathedral. For example, it is already a tradition for a rabbi to preach in Berlin Cathedral on Israel Sunday.


Cathedral Dean Stefan Scholpp

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Cathedral Dean Christiane Münker

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