Friends Group

The Berlin Cathedral parish has something special up its sleeve, a kind of parish membership ‘light’: the Berlin Cathedral Friends Group (Freundeskreis des Berliner Domes).

If you do not, for example, live in Berlin or Brandenburg, but rather in another federal state or even abroad, then you can become a member of our Friends Group. Do you belong to another religion or denomination, you do not want to give this up and yet still want to join the Cathedral? Or do you simply want to get more out of the colourful life on offer in Germany's largest Evangelical church? Even then you are most welcome in the Friends Group. Membership is free and simply requires the submission of an application form.

In order that nothing escapes your attention, we will send you our ‘Cathedral View’ ('Dom Blick') parish letter along with other information every month. You will find a membership application form for the Circle of Friends on this page or simply by getting in touch with our parish office.

Kontakt Gemeindebüro

Telefon +49 30 20269 111
Fax +49 30 20269 130

Sprechzeit vor Ort:
Dienstag von 14 – 16 Uhr und
nach telefonischer Vereinbarung

Telefonische Sprechzeiten:
Mo bis Do 10 – 12 Uhr