Cathedral Council

The governing body of Berlin Cathedral is called the Cathedral Church Council (DKK). It is made up of twelve honorary cathedral councillors and the cathedral deans. 

Eight cathedral church councillors are elected by the cathedral congregation for a term of six years. Four cathedral councillors are delegated: by the Union of Protestant Churches (UEK), the regional church (EKBO), the federal government and the Berlin Senat. In addition, the chairman of the parish council and the managing director attend the monthly meetings as permanent guests.

Chair of the Cathedral Council

Dr. Katharina Berner
Dr. Katharina Berner

Chairwomen of the Cathedral Council

Stefan Scholpp
Dean Stefan Scholpp

Vice Chairman of the Cathedral Council, Executive Cathedral Dean

PD Dr. Joachim Seybold
PD Dr. Joachim Seybold

Second Vice Chairman of the Cathedral Council

Members of the Cathedral Council

Dr. Katharina Berner
Dr. Katharina Berner
Johann Friedrich Graf Brockdorff-Dallwitz
Anette Detering
Anette Detering
Reiner Fineske
Rainer Fineske
Amélie Gebhard
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Petra Kahlfeldt
Dr. Dirk Kroegel

Dr. Rainer Schmack
Dr. Rainer Schmack
Dean Christiane Münker
Sterfan Scholpp
Dean Stefan Scholpp

Vice Chairman of the Cathedral Council, Executive Cathedral Dean

PD Dr. Joachim Seybold
PD Dr. Joachim Seybold

Second Vice Chairman of the Cathedral Council

Julia Stelter-Bauer
Julia Stelter-Bauer
Generalsuperintendentin Ulrike Trautwein
Generalsuperintendentin Ulrike Trautwein
Lammert Rapke Wijma
Lammert Rapke Wijma

The Cathedral Council is divided into several committees:

Executive Committee

Dr. Katharina Berner, Chairwoman
Dean Stefan Scholpp
PD Dr. Joachim Seybold
Dr. Katharina Berner

As permanent guests
Dean Christiane Münker
Mareike Windorf, Managing Director

Finance Committee

Johann Friedrich Graf Brockdorff-Dallwitz
Annette Detering
Dr. Katharina Berner
Dean Stefan Scholpp
PD Dr. Joachim Seybold, Chairman

As permanent guest
Mareike Windorf, Managing Director

Human Resources Committee

Dr. Katharina Berner, Chairwoman
Rainer Fineske
Dean Stefan Scholpp

As permanent guest
Mareike Windorf, Managing Director

Building Committee

Prof. Petra Kahlfeldt, Chairwoman
Dr. Dirk Kroegel
Julia Stelter-Bauer

As permanent guests
Mareike Windorf, Managing Director
Sonja Tubbesing

Ecclesiastical Committee

Dean Christiane Münker
Dean Stefan Scholpp
Rainer Fineske
Amélie Gebhard
Dr. Rainer Schmack
Dr. Konrad Asemissen

As permanent guests:
Mareike Windorf, Managing Director
Prof. Dr. Andreas Sieling
Adrian Büttemeier
Prof. Kai-Uwe Jirka, Director of Staats- a. Domchor 
Marie Toya Gaillard
Sibylle Greisert
Maren Glockner

Liturgical Committee

Dean Christiane Münker
Dean Stefan Scholpp
Amélie Gebhard
Lammert Wijma

As permanent guests:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Sieling
Adrian Büttemeier
Ingrid Ossig, Preacher

Representative for the cathedral cemeteries

Dr. Rainer Schmack

Editorial Dom Blick

Dean Stefan Scholpp
Anastasia Poscharsky-Ziegler
Eva Hepper, Public relations

Representative for the volunteers

Donald Orlov-Wehmann

Representative for the partnership with St. Trinitatis Warschau

Dean Stefan Scholpp