Seating plan

Berlin Cathedral has approximately 1,390 seats. Here, we provide you with two overviews, which serve as an aid to orientation and should help you select a seat for a concert.

Diese Grafik zeigt Ihnen, welche Plätze innerhalb der einzelnen Preiskategorien liegen und macht Ihnen die Einschränkungen deutlich, bspw. wo die Sicht mangelhaft ist.
Diese Übersicht soll Menschen, die auf ein Hörgerät tragen, welches für Hörschleifen ausgerüstet ist, zeigen, an welchen Stellen im Dom der Empfang besonders gut ist.

Should you have any further questions, please contact the Events Office.

The Cathedral has barrier-free access. This is located to the left of the main portal and is indicated by a sign. There is a bell and an intercom system there that allows you to notify the duty porter, who can then provide assistance on your way into the Cathedral

Contact events office

Tel. +49 30 20269 106
Fax +49 30 20269 213

Contact porter’s lodge

Tel. +49 30 20269 179