About us

Berlin Cathedral is a vibrant place that embodies the Christian faith with its own parish community. It currently includes approximately 1.800 women, men and children, with more joining every month.

The Cathedral parish is a so-called personal parish, i.e. any Evangelical Christian who has been baptised and who lives in Berlin or the vicinity can become a member of the Cathedral parish. You can submit a membership application, and are warmly invited to join an introductory talk with one of the Cathedral Deans. The Cathedral is a church for Christians throughout the entire city.

All of our parish members have, at some point, consciously decided on Berlin Cathedral; they want to belong and play an active role in this community. The number of volunteers is correspondingly high. Whether it is for children’s services of worship, spiritual workshops or Taizé Vespers – everywhere women and men from the parish are giving up their time and getting involved. Services of worship, events and festivals held on Sundays also typically enjoy a large number of parishioners.

Special feature of the Cathedral parish and its work

Berlin Cathedral – or as it is correctly known the ‘Evangelical Supreme Parish and Collegiate Church in Berlin’ – plays a particularly important role within the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD). It is part of the Union of Evangelical Churches (Union Evangelischer Kirchen [UEK]) and holds representative functions for the Protestant church throughout Germany. At Berlin Cathedral special services of worship are regularly held to mark ecclesiastical and federal political events, as well as anniversaries. These are, for example, funeral services with state ceremony for the deceased former Federal Presidents Johannes Rau (2006), Richard von Weizsäcker (2015) and Roman Herzog (2017), the memorial service for Nelson Mandela (2013), the commemorative service with Federal President Joachim Gauck for the victims of genocide in Armenia (2015), the memorial service for the victims of the terrorist attack in Nice (2016), the service to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Union of Evangelical Churches (2017) or the Ecumenical Commemoration Service for the 75th Anniversary of the End of World War 2 (2020). Many of the services of worship are televised live and are held with a ecumenical congregation.


Kontakt Gemeindebüro

Telefon +49 30 20269 111
Fax +49 30 20269 130
E-Mail gemeinde@berlinerdom.de

Sprechzeit vor Ort:
Dienstag von 14 – 16 Uhr und
nach telefonischer Vereinbarung

Telefonische Sprechzeiten:
Montag bis Donnerstag 9 – 12 Uhr